Claiborne Kyle Log House

Kyle Log HouseThe four-pen linear log house that Lucy Bugg and Claiborne Kyle built on a bluff, overlooking the Blanco River in Hays County, still stands where it was constructed in 1850. The one-story 80X20 foot, log house was built of cedar logs, hand dressed by adze, square notched at the corners and secured by wooden pegs. There are two rooms on each side of the dogtrot, each divided by a large, double-sided stone fireplace. It may be the only remaining example of a double pen, linear dogtrot log home on it original location in Texas, probably the South.

Kyle Log House

“It (Kyle log house) continues an architectural style begun in Massachusetts and Virginia, brought through Kentucky and Tennessee to Texas during the westward movement of the 19th century,” stated Eric S. McCready in a letter to Curtis Tunnell, acting director, National Register Program of the Texas Historical Foundation. Claiborne and Lucy lived there with eight of their own children and one adopted son after their move from Tennessee.

The log house is currently closed for construction and renovation and will not be taking on any special tours for schools or individuals at this time. Area third graders are advised to contact other available HCHC locales for their spring walk-about trips to continue to learn of life in early Hays County during this intermittent period.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

As the HCHC is not a direct affiliate to the Claiborne Kyle Log House, please contact Kate Johnson for any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the site at or 512-644-7669. Claiborne Kyle Log House Commission members are appointed by Hays County Commissioners to oversee the log house trust for its care and act as docents for visitors. Members currently include:

Kate Johnson, Chairman
Sean Claus
Florence Dodington
Don Franke
Patrick (Hoot) Gibson

Anyone interested in making a contribution can make checks payable to the County of Hays, marked for Claiborne Kyle House Log House Trust Fund.