
Commission Member Resources


Chair - Linda Coker
Vice Chair - Vacant
Secretary - Lila Knight
Treasurer - Vacant
Parliamentarian - Vacant
IT Officer - Anthony Davis

Charged with taking an active role in the activities of the Hays County Historical Commission, members are appointed to two-year terms by the County Commissioners Court at the beginning of each odd-numbered year.

It’s a serious job. The location and preservation of a community’s historical resources, whether in written or photographic form, are vital to maintaining links with the past – and helping with residents and others knowing “who we are” as a community and “where we came from.” Representatives from across Hays County serve as the facilitators for staying in touch with their various communities and contact with these historical commissioners is encouraged…either in seeking answers to historical questions or calling the commission’s attention to previously unknown – or unreported – information or resources.

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